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All of the content on this site is available for free because I want to help as many people as possible use words for good, and I also value the chance to learn from those who comment on my blog posts.

If you believe in compensating marginalized people for our labor, if you’ve found something on my site helpful, and/or if you just want to help out a financially insecure queer and trans freelancer, please consider making a donation to support my ability to continue doing radical copyediting in unpaid ways.

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Want to level up your support? Interested in even more radical copyediting in your life? Join my Patreon community! Patreon is a membership site where people support creators like me with bite-sized monthly contributions, ensuring that I can keep creating free in-depth content on this blog (and maybe even write a book some day).

Everyone who contributes $3 or more per month gets access to regular member-only mini-posts where I share edits I’ve made, questions I’ve answered, and great content I’ve come across from other language lovers. All new patrons also receive a 2020 webinar I led, titled “Language Is Power: Using (and Teaching) Liberatory Language Practices.”